Intersolar EU 2023完美收官,双一力储能携全场景方案加速布局工商业光储充市场!

6月16日,为期三天的Intersolar Europe 2023在德国慕尼黑新国际博览中心圆满落幕。Intersolar有着二十多年的辉煌历史,聚集了全球所有业内知名企业,吸引大量专业参展人士,是中国光伏、储能企业拓宽海外业务的绝佳平台。在海外,双一力储能除了在平滑新能源发电、电网侧调峰调频等大型储能应用上拥有丰富的项目经验,此外在“光储充”等工商业项目应用上也积极布局。


On June 16, the three-day Intersolar Europe 2023 was successfully concluded in Munich, Germany. With a glorious history of more than 20 years, Intersolar gathered all the world's well-known companies in the industry and attracted a large number of professional exhibitors, which provides an excellent platform for Chinese PV and ESS enterprises to expand their overseas business. In overseas, Risen SYL not only has rich project experience in large scale energy storage applications such as smoothing renewables, grid side peaking and frequency regulation, but also actively deploying projects for C&I project applications such as "PV+ESS+ charging".

A BESS integrated charging station located at Norfolk, UK is a typical example demonstrating Risen SYL’s presence in the related application. In the UK, the rapid mass adoption of electric vehicles and charging facilities will be no small challenge for the grid. If there is a spike in load, power quality is impacted which affects the station productivity. Therefore, ESS play a critical role by providing a reliable source of power during times of high demand. Now with Risen SYL solution, the EV charging station is able to host 36 EV chargers, including 22 high-power chargers with up to 350kW of power, delivering the best possible charging experience in UK. The BESS part is 6.54MW/6.7MWh, already started operational since January 2023. "This project is a great example of the important role batteries can play with EV charge station. By adding a 6.7MW battery we're bringing 24/7 reliability to what is already an efficientand flexible power source." said Murphy Meng, Deputy GM of Risen SYL.

In the future, with the large-scale deployment of overseas projects in various applications, Risen SYL will continue to make efforts in global services, consolidate the industry positioning and influence, achieve long-term sustainable development, and actively contribute industry-leading energy storage solutions to the global energy transition. Risen SYL will continue to make overseas appearances and exhibit at the SPI in the US this September, so stay tuned!